The current Covid-19 health crisis is forcing us to respect social distancing. Of course, we are doing everything possible in our hub. Pairs of interpreters operate in a large, soundproof studio that allows optimum spacing. Our experts also have surgical masks and sanitizer gel, as do visiting clients and service providers. However, visits to the hub are limited to one person at a time and must be requested by email to
Remote interpreting
All those of you who have put your trust in us for years and read us regularly know our liking for smart, affordable, disruptive interpreting solutions. And we give a warm welcome to those of you discovering us for the first time today! Please take a look at our special page on remote interpreting to find out more about what it will bring to your online or on-site events.
The remote interpreting hub for ALL your events
Following numerous remote interpreting assignments, we have been able to assess the limitations of doing this from a studio set up at home. The emergence of countless video conferencing solutions and their apparent simplicity might give the impression that remote interpreting can be done by just perching at a table and clicking on a link. The reality is somewhat different. At belangeintl, we quickly grasped that there are several prerequisites to providing top-quality, effective remote interpreting services:
- A soundproof space
- Superfast internet access
- The best audio and IT equipment
Consequently, once these three pre-conditions have been met, attention must then turn to what matters most in a remote simultaneous interpreting assignment: the conference interpreters!

Interpreters: the only guarantee of top-quality remote interpreting
Entirely online interpreting, provided entirely by human interpreters!
Every assignment begins with a careful assessment of your needs. Our experience in multilingual project management enables us to identify all the advantages remote interpreting will bring to your event.
Our conversations are increasingly virtual, our meetings are held increasingly via electronic means and our events are becoming increasingly digital. However, faced with the virtualization of our interaction, we feel a growing need to put our trust in human experts who are capable of browsing online, mastering all the digital resources and maximizing their potential.
The conference interpreters we have selected are seasoned professionals from the South of France. Our solution is local: an interpreting hub in the centre of Nice, run by simultaneous interpreting professionals who live in our beautiful region.
The advantages of these interpreting experts are that they are:
- Trained in the best remote interpreting practices
- Used to working in pairs in an agile, efficient way
- Highly experienced in major events in the South of France (international summits, festivals, and trade shows)
THE FRENCH RIVIERA HUB: remote interpreting summed up in 5 points
THE FRENCH RIVIERA HUB, your remote interpreting hub in Nice, offers the following key benefits.
- A soundproof studio in the heart of Nice, 10 minutes from Promenade des Anglais
- Continuous technical supervision
- The best IT equipment
- A video conferencing platform to suit your objectives
- The finest conference interpreters: agile online and on site
Bien sûr François-Xavier, toujours porter son regard au loin comme tout marin qui se respecte, n’est-ce pas ? A très bientôt, j’espère !
Bravo Cyril ! Toujours aller de l’avant 🙂